What Happens if You Let Your Grass Grow Too Long?
In addition to its unseemly appearance, overly long grass can cause problems for your lawn's health. For most grasses, a height beyond 3 inches is problematic. At this height and beyond, it is difficult for grass to hold itself up. This causes it to droop onto surrounding grass, smothering it. When long grass droops, it also traps moisture in lower areas, which can cause fungus and disease to spread and may turn yellow or brown.
If you allow grass to grow beyond 3 inches before mowing, clippings become a problem and often require bagging of the clippings. Bagging clippings adds extra time and ultimately more cost for lawn services. Allowing clippings from long grass to settle on your lawn causes similar issues to letting grass grow too tall. Clippings will be longer and can smother the grass, especially during very hot weather. The heat can literally burn the grass and make it more susceptible to disease.
Depending on ambient temperatures and your grass species lawns that are allowed to grow to 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches before mowing have deeper and sturdier roots, fewer weed invasions and look better. During the summer months, cutting grass once per week is recommended.